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Republican Unitary Open Joint Stock Company “Mozyr Distillery”- is a modern dynamic developing high-tech enterprise, equipped with modern equipment.
The plant is situated in south-eastern part of Belarus, in the industrial zone of Mozyr and is the successor of the largest factory-logical microbiological industry, founded in 1983. In 1994-1998. production plant has been redesigned to produce ethyl alcohol of raw foodstuffs, vodka, fruit wines. During the conversion was able to save the human resource capacity, its main production facilities and areas, so the pace of development of new industries was high enough. According to the program changing profile of the plant in December 1994 have been put in place bragorektifi-cations plant with the capacity 1500 dal a day, and in January 1998 – the second distillation unit with capacity of 2000 dal a day. Year of commissioning the fermentation area -1996
In May 1995, launched in production line of alcoholic beverage products. In order to expand the product range in 1997 built a special workshop for production of fruit wines.
Time, new conditions and new requirements dictate modern technology, traditions and the production of highly qualified personnel provide the possibility to produce products of the highest quality.
In the production of vodka we use coal for cleaning. For additional processing of sorting is used “silver filter” technology with coal using impregnated cerebrum, which ensures high recovery of impurities. For the control term filtration before bottling plant is used a two-stage filter.
In the production of fruit wines fermented using – bleach-juices of its own production
At present plant produces rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials “Lux” and “Extra”, the highest purification, vodka, alcoholic beverage products, fruit wines.
Specialists combine constantly working on new formulas, expanding the range and improve the quality of the product, my
The plant operates strict quality controls, carried out accredited laboratory. The monitoring system covers the entire producing cycle from receipt of raw materials to finished products.
Today, the plant possesses of 34 trademarks in 33 classes of the Nice Classification, in that h 5 of trademarks in Russia and four of international trade marks (the Madrid system).
Since 2005, the plant operates a quality management system in co-responsible with the international standards ISO 9001-2001
In 2010, conducted recertification of Quality Management System in accordance with international standards requirements of STB ISO 9001-2009.
In 2009, implemented an environmental management system and the OSH management system in accordance with the requirements of STB ISO 14001-2005 and 18001-2009 STB
The high quality of the products made repeatedly mentioned in the specialized exhibitions and competitions.
The first recognition of the quality of the products came in 1996 Since then, the plant is not only a constant, ongoing participation of the nickname, but the winner of various international tasting competitions, which brought in the company treasury Grand Prix, 40 gold, 40 silver-governmental, 5 bronze medals and diplomas to eight “GUST”, which proves consistently high quality products produced by the plant.